Bukkene Bruse concert at Hakadal kirke - Folketone fra Sunnmøre
31.aug-5.okt. – Secret Garden Norway Tour 2003
Secret Garden, Musicians & Crew crossing the Polar Circle
Steinars new band project (later OFSDAL ENNO) first TV appearance.
Vagabonds in Finnmark
Abduhlrahman Surizehi, Øystein Rudi and Steinar Ofsdal doing their second tour in Finnmark, this time at the sami schools – Masi, Kautokeino, Lahpoluopal, Karasjok og Tana-distriktet.
Meeting old friend in Kautokeino – the yoiker Ingor Ántte Ánte Mihkkal:
Trilok Gurtu/Bukkene Bruse Norway Tour 2004!
Famous indian percussionist Trilok Gurtu and Bukkene Bruse touring Norway, including profiled folk singer Kirsten Bråten Berg.
18.-31.mars Secret Garden Singapore/Australia Tour 2004
As a part of Secret Garden band, Steinar travelled two weeks in Singapore and Australia.
Family picture with keyboarder Bjørn Ole Rasch – blading trip in Sidney
1.jul – Aw-Ofsdal-Sereba - new album - KAKÉ
Norway joins West Africa. Becaye Aw, Steinar Ofsdal and Kouame Sereba released their album at the Førde international folk music festival.
5.sep – Chinese culture evening in Oslo Concert Hall
After one week in Beijing for rehearsels, Steinar was performing with chinese musicians in Oslo Concert Hall.
Luan Yue,pipa – Fan Ran, gu zheng – Shi Yue, yang qin – Wang Ying – erhu
Friends since 1985 – flutemaster Wang Tiechui and Steinar A Fú
Cong 1985 hen hao de pengyou – dizi yanzoujia Wang Tiechui, A Fú.
25.-30.apr - Secret Garden in America.
Secret Garden quartet tour in the US – Fionnuala Sherry, Rolf Lovland, Katie McMahon, Steinar Ofsdal.
Tour list:
April 25. – B.B. Kings – New York City, NY
April 26. – The Birchmere – Arlington, VA
April 28. – The Pantages Theatre – Minneapolis, MN
April 29. – The Ohio Theatre – Cleveland, OH
April 30. – Berklee Performance Center – Boston, MA
7.9.okt – Secret Garden 1Oth Anniversary Norwegian Tour 2005
Fionnuala, Rolf Foto: Rana Blad
Steinar, Saoirse Foto: Rana Blad
11.des - The Nobel Peace Price Concert 2005

Steinar playing the flute part in «Nine million bicycles» with Katie Melua.
Jan 9.-17. Beijing
Principal at the Ole Bull Academy, Gunnar Stubseid and Steinar having meetings at China Concervatory of Music and UNESCO Beijing Office, and having performances at the Norw. Embassy.
Norwegian ambassador with chinese and norwegian musicians
Wang Tiechui and Steinar with young friends playing Hua Hao Yue Yuan at Beijing University
Steinar travelled to Phoenix, Arizona, joining the recording session of Princess Märtha Louise’s book cd «Why Kings and Queens Don’t Wear Crowns». (http://www.skandisk.com/)
Solo concert in the Minneapolis Lutheran Memorial Church Mindeskirken, and guest at Minneapolis Radio Morning Show, St.Paul
Workshop with Twin Cities Hardingfelelag.
April 1.-3.
Concert at Mingei International Museum, San Diego, together with fiddler brothers Gjermund og Einar Olav Larsen. They also participated in the KPBS TV show with princess Märtha Louise of Norway, and gave a performance at the monthly Sons of Norway meeting.
18.-23.jul Talent 06 in Estonia
Steinar´s first year as a leader of the Førde Festival Talent Project. Return visit to Viljandi Folk Music Festival. http://www.folk.ee/2006
1.jun-8.jul Førde International Folk Music Festival. (www.fordefestival.no)
Together with guitarist Olav Torget, Steinar was leading Talent 07 with young folk musicians from Nepal, China and Norway.
Xiaoyuan Tianzi Sha Mo Nina Rikke Marie Barta Sanskriti Rubin
16.-24.aug - Talent 07 visiting Nepal.
As a leader of the Talent 07 project, Steinar went to Kathmandu, Nepal, with the young artists from China and Norway, visiting their young nepali collegues. During one week they had concerts in schools and in a palace, and they did a CD recording session. The 600 year old Patan Durban Palace, still a property of the dethroned King Gyanendra, was nationalised the day after the Talent07 concert.
Kathmandu perfomance with chinese and nepali friends.
Sep.1.-4. Concert Tour with Zhongguo Zhong Yang Minzu Yue Tuan – Chinese National Symphony Orchestra.
6.nov - Sara Chen and Steinar Ofsdal in Shanghai.
The young violinist and the flute player appearing in Shanghai again. Performing at the opening of the Norwegian Central Bank China Office. Steinar also gave a Master Class in the Shanghai University for 500 students.
Sara Chen and Steinar Ofsdal at the opening of Norges Bank Shanghai Office.
December 3.-10. China
Steinar is in Shanghai and Hangzhou to bring further the instrument projects Fjellfløyta oand Vårfløyta. This time followed by NRK´s Asia correspondent Ole Torp.
December 15. OFSDAL ENNO at NRK2!.
Two cuts from the program:
February 22.-28. Talent 08 in Cairo.
Return visit of Talent 08, with concert in the Cairo Opera House, Club Concert at the Nile, perfoming in Nile TV, and doinga recording studio session.
Talent 8 team entering Cairo Opera House
May 23.-24. Fløytivalen, Ål in Hallingdal.
Steinar leading sjøfløyte and seljefløyte workshop
Gatesangerne 20 years! Celebrating concert at Josefine viseklubb
June 26. Lillebjørn Nilsen, Øystein Sunde and Steinar Ofsdal
The three old friends doing concert for 1000 people in Geilo, 40 years after last time they a concert together there.
June 25. NM i folkemusikk (Landskappleiken) - national competition in folk music.
Steinar becomes double champion in flutes, with both sjøfløyte and seljefløyte.
June 29.-July 5. Talent 09 project at Førde traditional and world music festival.
Steinar was the musical leader for 10 young folk musicians from Tanzania, Zambia and Norge. The focus this year was dance, and double champion from Landskappleiken 2009, the folk dancer Ulf-Arne Johannesen, was the co-leader. Return visit will go to Tanzania.
July 26. Egil Storbekkens Musikkpris
Steinar receiving Egil Storbekkens Music Prize at a ceremony in the mountains of Tolga.
Steinar playing Fjelltrall with Tone Hulbækmoe og Eli Storbekken
6.-7.aug - Kalottspel, Målselv - Concerts and workshops
10.-17.okt - Steinar with Ole Bull Academy to Beijing. Concerts with students and teachers at Zhongguo Yinyue Xueyuan and Beijing university.
27.okt-1.nov. Finnmark
Sara Chen, Sanskriti Shrestha and Steinar Ofsdal touring in Finnmark, with concerts in Kautokeino, Hammerfest, Vadsø, Vardø, Kirkenes and Alta
Steinar Ofsdal: Heilårsgangar, with Csik Band Hungary, Annbjørg Lien, Bjørn Ole Rasch and Oslo Camerata (at Telenor Cultur Prize, Det norske teatret, Oslo, 2013
Steinar Ofsdal passing 70 - celebration concert at Norwegian Academy of Music. 50 musicians on stage, from old collegues from the 60´s - till students of the year.