Most albums will be available on Spotify and other music services

2019 - På gjensyn
Kari Svendsen, Jon Arne Corell, Lars Klevstrand, Pål Moddi Knutsen, Steinar Ofsdal and Carl Morten Iversen Plateselskapet No.13 -
46 years after the release of «På stengrunn», the sequel has arrived.
The album contains 17 newly written tunes for Rudolf Nilsen's poem. Despite the fact that almost a hundred years have passed since Rudolf Nilsen wrote his lyrics under Oslo's factory pipes, several of the poems are frighteningly relevant to this day.
On "På gjensyn (On Review)" we get to meet new sides of the poet Rudolf Nilsen. In addition to being a revolutionary and sworn leftist, he was also a cosmopolitan, a technology enthusiast, a sharp satirist, a daydreamer and a romantic.

2013 - Drømmen om Kaptein Sorte Bill
Lars Klevstrand og Steinar Ofsdal (manus Terje Nordby)
Musikk & mystikk MMCD1301
- distribution Musikk & mystikk
This popular and crazy story about the squirrel Nøtteliten and his father Captain Black Bill, written by Terje Nordby, was first made as a TV performance for NRK TV Children, finally as a CD release.

2009 - Fjellfløyta/Vårfløyta
Musikk & mystikk (2009) MMCD0802
This is a musical source for users of The Mountain Flute and The Spring Flute, Steinar´s two instrument products. Contenting dance tunes and melodies in norwegian tradition, also usable for just listening.

2008 - SVIV
Musikk & mystikk (2008) MMCD0801
OFSDAL ENNO, Steinar's new band project. With Steinar, Unni Løvlid, Bergmund Skaslien, Olav Torget, Gjermund Silset, Helge Norbakken og Kenneth Ekornes.

2006 - Live at Sioux Falls
Lillebjørn Nilsen og Steinar Ofsdal
GRAPPA (2006) GRCD4237
After years with touring in Europe, Lillebjørn Nilsen and Steinar went to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where their concerts where recorded. First released 1980 by the Minneapolis located ScanDisc (Lillebjörn & Steinar), later in Norway (Live at Sioux Falls).

2004 - Kaké
with Aw-Ofsdal-Sereba
CD - 2004,
Finally - after 10 years of cooperation, the trio Becaye Aw, Steinar Ofsdal og Kouame Sereba went to the recording studio.

2004 - Spel
with "Bukkene Bruse" (Lien, Bergset, Ofsdal & Rasch)
CD - 2004,
BB's live album - recorded in churches and in the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo. The Vertavo String Quartet participates on 4 tracks.

2004 - Sjøfløyta
Steinar Ofsdal og Per Midtstigen
CD - Heilo, 2004
This CD has become an important source for young folk flutists. It was honored with a "Spellemannpris" (Norwegian Grammy) in 1989. New edition in the Heilo Catalog 2004.

2002 - The Loveliest Rose
with "Bukkene Bruse" (Lien, Bergset, Ofsdal & Rasch)
CD - 2002, North Side
The Bukkene Bruse Christmas Album - US edition

2001 - Den fagraste rosa
with "Bukkene Bruse" (Lien, Bergset, Ofsdal & Rasch)
CD - 2001,
BB's Christmas Album - beautiful, nearly forgotten melodies, but also new written material.

2001- På Stengrunn
Lars Klevstrand, Lillebjørn Nilsen, Kari Svendsen, Jon Arne Corell, Steinar Ofsdal & Carl Morten Iversen.
CD - Grappa 2001,
Songs by Rudolf Nilsen (1901-29). First time released 1973.

2000 - Oslo-viser
Gatesangerne (Kari Svendsen, Lars Klevstrand, Steinar Ofsdal, Kjetil Skaslien).
CD - Tylden & Co, 2000
Songs from the cabaret "Tigerstaden", a tribute to the city of Oslo.

1999 - The Stone Chair
with «Bukkene Bruse» (Lien, Bergset, Ofsdal & Rasch)
CD - North Side, 1999 (US edition).
“Steinstolen” in US edition. Top score in Listmania's "Best World Music" 2002.

1997 - Steinstolen
with «Bukkene Bruse» (Lien, Bergset, Ofsdal & Rasch)
CD - Heilo, 1997.
A medieval ballade, a wedding march, a religious folksong, a stev, dance tunes and new written melodies. Well recognizable Bukkene Bruse music.

1997 - Seljefløyta
Hans Fredrik Jacobsen, Hallgrim Berg, Steinar Ofsdal
CD - Heilo, 1997
Probably the first recording with just pure willow pipe solos. Traditional and new written tunes are played on this old shepards instrument, which in fact only is a tube, without finger holes.

1997 - [pi:p]
Steinar Ofsdal with Olav Torget (guitars) og Helge Norbakken (percussion)
CD - Grappa, 1997
This project was born in Steinar's studio, where he picked down never used instruments from the wall. Kaval, dizi, bawu, fluiér, lyra, fiedel, Atlantis flute, norwegian goat horn, chinese xun and bosnian sheperds flute were finally brought to use.

1995 - Åre
with «Bukkene Bruse» (Annbjørg Lien, Arve Moen Bergset & Ofsdal)
CD/MC - Grappa, 1995
Bukkene's second album, in where Bjørn Ole Rasch is now joining with his keyboards. New compositions, written by the group members meet old fiddle tunes and folksongs.

1995 - Gatesangerne
Kari Svendsen, Lars Klevstrand, Steinar Ofsdal, Kjetil Skaslien.
CD/MC - Majorselskapet, 1995
Live recording in the Cultur House of Ål, Hallingdal. The worlds first, and only CD with juggler.

1994 - Den magiske musikken
with Lars Klevstrand
CD - Jo Vestly Productions, 1994
The songs and music from the performance “Drømmen om Kaptein Sorte Bill”.

1993 - Bukkene Bruse
med «Bukkene Bruse» (Annbjørg Lien, Arve Moen Bergset & Ofsdal)
CD/MC - Grappa, 1993
Bukkene Bruse's first record, four years after their first performance.

1990 - Drømmen om Kaptein Sorte Bill
Lars Klevstrand & Steinar Ofsdal
MC - Jo Vestly Productions, 1990
This familiy performance about the squirrel Nøtteliten and his father Captain Black Bill, written by Terje Nordby, was first made as a TV performance for NRK TV Children, later as MC, CD and live performance.

1990 - Vestenfor måne
Steinar Ofsdal med musikere
CD/LP - Slagerfabrikken, 1990
The keyboard player and music arranger Atle Bakken was leading this recording the week before he left for US to work with Michael Jackson. Atle never returned from LA - this eminent musician was needed there.

1989 - Sjøfløyta
med Per Midtstigen, tildelt Spellemannpris 1989
CD/LP/MC - Slagerfabrikken, 1989
In the train from Bø i Telemark once in the 80's, Per and Steinar summed more than 30 traditional norwegian flute tunes they knew, and decided to record it. A good idea - the record got a norwegian Grammy, and is now a source for younger flute players.

1987 - Kalender
Steinar Ofsdal med musikere
CD/LP/MC - Slagerfabrikken, 1987
- 12 of Steinar's tunes became a musical calender, in where a long row of profiled singers and musicians are taking part.

1985 - Reisefeber
Steinar Ofsdal med musikere
LP/MC - Slagerfabrikken, 1985
Steinar's personal revenge to all the flute solos he had played in the end of songs. Here the singers are located in the end of the instrumentals. The refrain singers are back!

1984 - Hat Trick
Steinar Ofsdal med musikere
LP/MC - MAI:, 1982 - Slagerfabrikken, 1983
(Spellemannpris 1983)
With support from the swedish musicians Englund, Almquist and Lindgren - plus the norwegians Sletten, Balke, Andersen and Rud, this album was born a hot summer in '83. The result: A norwegian Grammy.

1980 - Live At Sioux Falls - Lillebjörn & Steinar
Lillebjørn Nilsen & Steinar Ofsdal
LP/MC - ScanDisc (USA), 1980 - NorDisc (Norge), 1981
After years with touring in Europe, playing at festivals and music clubs, Lillebjørn Nilsen and Steinar went to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where their concerts where recorded. First released by ScanDisc in Minneapolis (Lillebjörn & Steinar). Later in Oslo by NorDisc (Live at Sioux Falls).

1979 - To i spann
Lars Klevstrand ; Steinar Ofsdal
LP/MC - MAI 1979
A really funny album, but the most funny thing is it's prohibition in Norwegian Broadcasting after complaints from radio listeners. Double sarcasm is not very easy to catch. All the instrumentals were forbidden to play as well!

1978 - Fløytesprell
Steinar Ofsdal, with musicians
LP/MC - MAI:, 1978
Steinar's first solo recording, with a little help from his friends. The time was there to sail his own ship!

1973 - På Stengrunn
Lars Klevstrand, Lillebjørn Nilsen, Kari Svendsen, Jon Arne Corell, Steinar Ofsdal & Carl Morten Iversen.
LP - Polydor, 1973
This legendary album, with poetry by Rudolf Nilsen, a political coloured poet (1901-1929), obtained a big popularity in both Norway and Denmark. Achieved "silver album".

1969 - MUSIC - (The Young Norwegians)
Bjørn Morisse, Lillebjørn Nilsen & Steinar Ofsdal
LP - 1969
Steinar joined TYN in 1967 as an acoustic bass player after meeting Lillebjørn at a school jazz band rehersal. This was TYN's second record. The group was quite popular and pioneering in the end of the 60's, turning over from anglo-american to more norwegian material, and using flutes, fiddles, jews harp and violincello in the band, in addition to guitars, 5-string banjo and the bass. The group was dissolved in 1969.
Other productions

2004 - I Børnekammeret - lyrics by Henrik Wergeland
different artists
- Kirsten Bråten Berg, Annbjørg Lien, Steinar Ofsdal and Bjørn Ole Rasch participating with the tune "Steinbrytervisen", better known as "Nisser og Dverge".

2004 - Hvem skal trøste Knøttet? - and other stories
by Tove Jansson
1 CD - Lydbokforlaget 2004
- Reading: Liv Bernhoft Osa
- Music: Steinar Ofsdal
- Translation: Gunnel Malmström og André Bjerke
- Pruducer: Steinar Ofsdal

2004 - Trollmannen fra Oz (The Wizard of Oz)
by Lyman Frank Baum
4 CD - Lydbokforlaget 2004
- Reading: Sverre Solberg
- Music: Steinar Ofsdal
- Translated to norwegian by Tormod Haugen
- Pruducer: Steinar Ofsdal

2001 - Sølvguttene synger julen inn
CD - Universal 2001
The legendary boys choir "Sølvguttene" invited 8 singers and instrumentalists to join their 2001 christmas album. Steinar plays a popular christmas song in his well recognizable style.

2001 - Norsk folkemusikk
editor Steinar Ofsdal
2CD – Grappa, 2001
A 2CD box following Steinar's book “Norsk folkemusikk og folkedans” (Norwegian Folk Music and Dance").

1993 - Våre beste barnesanger
deltaker på plata: «Bukkene Bruse»
CD/MC - Grappa, 1993
- Bukkene Bruse joined this "The Best Childens Songs" project , and received a "Spellemannpris" (norwegian Grammy) together with Kirsten Bråten Berg, Geirr Lystrup og Anne Kari Hårnes.

1985 - Som symra rein og blå
LP – Heilo 1985
Steinar plays Kivlemøyane on willow pipe with Kåre Nordstoga on pure tuned organ.

1982 - Scandinavia Today - Minnesota
LP – SMR/skandisk 1982
55,000 people listening to Lillebjörn Nilsen and Steinar Ofsdal singing two Norwegian folk songs at The Celebration of Scandinavian Culture in the H.H.Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis Sep.11.1982. Also to be heard on this record: Vice President George Bush, Vigdis Finnbogadóttir, Prince Henrik of Denmark, Crown Prince Harald of Norway, Prince Bertil of Sweden, Sven-Bertil Taube.

1976 - 5. Folkfestival auf der Lenzburg, Schweiz
LP – Claves 1976
Lillebjörn Nilsen singt eine alte Norwegische Ballade. Das anschliessende „Springar“spielt er mit Steinar Ofsdal zusammen auf der „Hardanger-Fiddle“, einer norwegischen Geige mit vier zusätzlichen Resonanzsaiten.

1976 - Eurofolk festival ’76 i Ingelheim, Deutschland
Doppel-LP – Eurofolk 1976
Lillebjørn Nilsen & Steinar Ofsdal (Norwegen) nehmen auf diese Festivalplatte teil, in einer Aufnahme von der Freilichtbühne an der Burgkirche in Ingelheim/Rhein am 5. und 6.Juni 1976.

1967 - Viser i trengsel
LP – dolphins TNBL-887- 1967
Probably the first or second recording situation for most of the artists, as Øystein Sunde, Finn Kalvik, Hege Tunaal, S.&E.Kvambe, The Young Norwegians, Lars Klevstrand, Bjørn & Ulf, Kari Svendsen, Jon Arne Corell, Peter Skodbo, Kinsfolk, all active at Dolphins Folk Song Club in Oslo.
Other studio work
Steinar has played on numerous albums from 1967 to now, among others with Birgitte Grimstad, Lillebjørn Nilsen, Lars Klevstrand, Hege Tunaal, Finn Kalvik, Cornelis Vreeswijk, Marie Bergman, Merit Hemingsson, Secret Garden, Sissel Kyrkjebø, Sverre Kjelsberg, Nordnorsk Visegruppe, Halvdan Sivertsen, Langsomt mot nord, Kristin Reitan, Mons Leidvin Takle, Kari Svendsen, Banana Airlines, Tramteatret, Yasir Manzoor, Tanabreddens ungdom, Piera Balto, Masi-jentene, Vazelina Bilopphøggers, Jan Eggum, Randi Hansen, Sigmund Groven, Kari Bremnes, Alf Cranner, Tove Karoline Knutsen, Olav Stedje, Trygve Hoff, Geirr Lystrup, Sverre Kjelsberg, Mattis Hætta, Jon Arne Corell, Hanne Krogh, Ann Kristin Hedmark, Jan Borvo, Det Betales, Benny Borg, Anita Hegerland, Benedicte Adrian, Borknagar, Odd Nordstoga, Heksa Heksagon, Rita Eriksen, Trond Trudvang, Ingvald Guttorm, Åsmund Nordstoga, princess Märtha Louise, and some more.