Mountain flute - Fjellfløyta
This flute is at the time sold out. The instrument will be produced again later on.

Mountain Flute in purple bamboo
Buy a Mountain flute?
Do you want to buy Steinar's fjellfloyte/the mountain flute? This instrument has a not-tempered intonation (which makes the scales of folk music), with pure and neutral intervals. If a piano is your reference, neutral tones are in between two half tones. The flute is produced in purple bamboo, made by profiled chinese flute maker Ying Ming Zhang. He works and lives in Hangzhou, southwest of Shanghai.
More about the mountain flute here (well, in norwegian - but, heard about google translate?):
Brosjyre fjell E email.pdf
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Type : pdf
In Spotify and other music services you will find traditional tunes for the mountain flute.
Search Fjellfløyta Vårfløyta.
Spring flute - Vårfløyta

The spring flute has the overtone principle of the long "seljefløyte", which is made by the sallow branch in the spring time. You can find similar flutes in other countries, like the tilincă in Romania. The spring flute is made in purple bamboo for Steinar Ofsdal in Hangzhou.
The Spring Flute is available in D.
€97 or US$120 plus shipping.
Ole Bull Academy in Voss is selling Vårfløyta.
To order:
In Spotify and other music services you will find traditional tunes for the spring flute.
Search Fjellfløyta Vårfløyta - or the albums Sjøfløyta and Seljefløyta.